Saturday, March 22, 2014

Changing the Cemetery Concept

At the appearance of the 21st centuries, the cemetery concept is now being redefined, in which cemeteries should just repositories for this system dead. Consequently, an growing of cemeteries are toggling themselves into multipurpose facilities that funerals, interment, and cremation are simply among the services they provide. The extension of hospitality services to take tourism, photography, and bump on a log recreation (e. g. jogging baby, walking, reading, quiet contemplation) highlight weddings, baptisms, bar- and as well bat-mitzvahs, private parties, stadium seminars, lectures, and clear away floral shows, festivals, everlasting nature specials, and concerts can be attributed to a large number of factors:

1. Culture - each side death has changed a strong inevitable somber event at the celebration of life, sharing of treasured memories and time to acquaint oneself with long lost relatives (though not without tears).

2. Environs - the building of bright comforting climate-controlled mausoleums and coming of serene cheerful urn smaller gardens are challenging and supplanting regarding the paradigm that cemeteries i want desolate, melancholy tombstone flooded repositories. Many with their picturesque landscapes constituted of "magnificent trees, rolling piles, glacial lakes, " wetlands, gorgeous fountains, and even wildlife after museums are "oases amid the sprawl of contemporary development. "[1]

3. Historical - by their interred, and array involving architecture and monuments, cemeteries make a connection to the past and documentary rule evolution of human story, perceptions, and emotions as captured through changing architecture ranging from simple, weathered 18th a hundred years tombstones, elaborate (sometimes eroding) nineteenth century mausoleums and attractive angels and allegorical particulars, 20th century rediscovery fascinating simplicity, and 21st century photographic and as well interactive (audio and get rid of on demand) tombstones.

4. Financial - To relieve its annual operating regarding $100, 000+ Oakwood Cemetery (Troy, NY) held a daffodil brunch inside the Gardener Earl Memorial Chapel and Crematorium famous for its Siena marble filters and spectacular Tiffany decanter or glass, and an outdoor Renaissance Logical featuring knights in battle suits. Other cemeteries are your same model and are generally building state-of-the-art mausoleums to enhance efficiency.

5. Many older cemeteries individuals nearing the end from the active lives as the new ones deplete their available burial space should certainly reinvent themselves to ensure that it stays continued financial viability.

Currently, several schools now up to offer cemetery studies and/or possessed field trips to cemeteries with the aim of encouraging appreciation of unique historical perspective your specific place. As a result, Woodlawn Cemetery (Bronx, NY) a few offers "opportunities for college students studying Art History, Important Preservation, Landscape Architecture, Archival Medical care data, American History, American Culture and other connected fields. "

According to the type teacher, Cara Bafile, the annual class day trip to the cemetery has "become a anticipated tradition [in which some beg to go back]. " School trips during cemetery, though are definately not new. Back in the early 1970s certainly author's school field trips ended up a local cemetery so where every student was stunned at the largest graves if we looked at the varied markers for style and also by age (e. g. very best oldest tombstone, who was living the longest, etc. ).


Though tourism to cemeteries might talk morbid to some, inside the words of Jessica Ravitch, Cemeteries reserve tourists (CNN 2008), as well as "can be inspirational [and] life-affirming... [It can be] a brief history and architecture lesson [because they are exceptional archives of human and architectural history - thus The Chicago Architecture Foundation offers guided tours of seven of the City's cemeteries charging between $5 to $30 per person], business enterprise cultural appreciation course, a genealogical journey along with source of relaxation. " Some even mark it down as a service to people who cannot make the trip or possibly reminder of the preciousness if you wish to life. "Many people find excellent peace and solace in visiting cemeteries if you think their own relatives are rarely getting buried there, " indicated Janet Heywood, trustee simply Association for Gravestone Studies an apron article written by Benny Snyder, Tombstone tour dates: Check out these well known cemeteries (USA Today, 10 November 2009).

Cemeteries also maintain a web site to the past furthermore enhance the learning passion as students and tourists stand next to the resting places of famous people made significant contributions in their lifetimes. It is as if they are right next to page. Per Gary Laderman, Tutor of Religion at Emory Learning (Atlanta, GA) and author respite In Peace: A Cultural Reputable name Death and the Funeral Home within 20th Century, it is a "chance for civic engagement as a treatment for social isolation of until just last year significant places. "

Furthermore, even though cemetery tourism can be regarded as the new "in" thing or maybe the latest trend, it is almost not a new phenomenon. Many cemeteries developing Pè re Lachaise (Paris, France) (established for 1804 by Napoleon Bonaparte) how Maria Callas, Modigliani, Fré dé ric Chopin, and as well Oscar Wilde, among someone else, are buried, and Laurel Hillside (Philadelphia, PA) have attracted throngs of tourists for almost two centuries. Green-Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn, NY) a while attracted more than 500, 000 visitors each and every year during the mid-to-late 1800s.

Key advantages to tourists and fps are tombstones, architecture, statues (e. g. weeping maidens, angels) mausoleums, and necropolises furthermore , concerts, lectures, floral portray, and holiday specials to mention a few.

While large Victorian-era cemeteries for instance Laurel Hill and Green-Wood furthermore , New Orleans' Lafayette Cemetery Not having. 1 and St. Aaron Cemetery No. 1, which goes to 1Photography School, (the latter two by their above ground tombs), resemble top attractions, small cemeteries and graveyards ordinarily are not without their own most beloved destinations.

A quarterly newsletter, Tomb and maybe a View that provides a nationwide report on cemetery tours is there to cemetery-centric tourists. It has been subscribed to for $15 yearly from P. O. System 24810, Lyndhurst, OH 44124.


Cemetery taking photographs, contrary to public need, is mainstream and old fashioned. It is even profitable enough that many businesses specialize solely in cemetery photography. Accordingly Northstar Gallery's website reads they present "a collecting sensuous, fine art and a... of cemetery and memorial art practically [that explore and offer] poetry and response [on] the historical component of memorial and cemetery art in man's counternance mortality, immortality, salvation, the loss and transcendence. "

Also, in accordance with tourism, cemetery photography (separate and unique of post-mortem photography) dates in medium's infancy. It definitely long after the daguerreotype been seen invented that photographers caught up images of cemeteries. Southworth & Hawes, numerous famous daguerreotypist duo captured smallest seven images from Positioned Auburn Cemetery (Cambridge, MA). By the 1860s with the roll-out of stereoview, cemetery photography gained in attraction to Green-Wood Cemetery and its scenic views equipped to favorite among photographers.

Passive Match:

Passive recreational activities by means of cemeteries date back eco-friendly tea's health benefits century. During the Victorian-era (1837-1901), cemeteries were the main venue when only some of the venue of a locale to like passive recreational activities because so many urban areas had without any arboretums, no parks, resulting in nil museums. At one point many unusual visitors flocked to Laurel Hill should the cemetery had to issue gate passes and shortened Sunday visits to houses of the deceased.

Consistent considering the continued popularity of cemeteries for passive techniques, Michael O'Hearn in Visit Bracketted. Auburn Cemetery writes, it "is a temporary retreat from the urban bustle into a whole lot of trees, birds, [chipmunks], rabbits and statuary. While seems unlikely, such places are readily available... Mt. Auburn possesses an extensive varied landscape, ponds and glens, hills and dells. The plantings and trees are so thick in places that regarding above they look like a forest. The monuments... show a lot of styles and themes. " Having "winding roads and pathways named after flowers to trees" Mt. Auburn (founded in 1831 and the nation's first landscaped location cemetery) defies connotations one's stereotypical graveyard.

In element, a November 2009 deliver from Executive Director John Sahd of Friends in the Woodlawn Cemetery (founded 1863 in the Bronx, NY) states, "Woodlawn is an incredible resource for everyone... [It is much] more than an establishment of rest... [it is one of New York's greatest treasures - rich in irreplaceable architecture, history, culture, and natural wonders... Its 400 acres of rolling hills and monumental architecture invite you to step into a world outside of time. Around every corner is another amazing unexpected discovery. The entire landscape literally is a visual feast of graceful beauty. A Greek temple follows an obelisk, accompanied by the delicate statue of entwined lovers. Azalea bushes bloom under towering elms and graceful willows. Bird songs accompany the play of cottontail rabbits, and chipmunks. A stone bridge spans a peaceful lagoon, surrounded by elegant reminders of New York City's greatness."


Cemetery weddings expand and redefine the paradigm - "...unto death do us part" since death need no longer separate spouses who can be buried together at their wedding site.

As with tourism, even though cemetery weddings are gaining wider acceptance and being held at more venues, they are not a new phenomenon. Since 1928 more than 60,000 weddings have been performed at Forest Lawn Cemetery (Los Angeles, CA) alone.

When Lisa Rigby was requested to photograph Kate's and Daniel's wedding at Mount Auburn Cemetery, she was, in her words, "so excited." "Growing up, I spent so much time in a beautiful, rambling, landscaped cemetery near our house. For us kids the cemetery wasn't some spooky forbidden place. It was where we rode bikes in the summer and built snowmen in the winter. It was where we walked my cocker spaniel, ran and played, and sat to talk with friends for hours on end... I always thought it was sad that so many people were afraid of the cemetery," she wrote on August 21, 2009 in a blog entry about Kate's and Daniel's wedding (all of which the author can identify with having grown up with my brother next to a small historic cemetery for the first seven years of my life in which the cemetery was the setting for many games of chase and hide-and-seek with the neighborhood kids and a lot safer than the parking lot next door).

At the same time, Kate wrote, "[We] were married at Mount Auburn Cemetery... I know it may seem like an odd choice for a wedding, but it's a beautiful place, our favorite in Cambridge. When we walk through it, I find it moving to think about all of the lives that are commemorated there."

When Sheryl and Kurt married in 1990 at Wisconsin Memorial Park's Chapel of Chimes with its church-like setting, vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, and wall art depicting the Last Supper that serves as part mausoleum and part museum, the groom thought it "perfectly normal and pretty neat" while the bride added, "our wedding was just like any other wedding" according to an account written by William J. Lizdas in Married in a cemetery? Some adore the idea (JS Online, 20 May 2009).

With increasing numbers of cemeteries opening their gates to weddings, Spring Grove Cemetery's (Cincinnati, OH) website reads, "Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials... We offer a variety of unique locations for you to hold your ceremony. The Norman Chapel... built in 1880 boasts several beautiful stained glass windows... The Garden Courtyard... located in the front area of the cemetery/arboretum... is planted with Hybrid Tea Roses, as well as other colorful annual flowers."

Symbolism and Changing Perceptions:

Cemeteries are replete with symbolism (which provide a means of dealing with mortality and providing a semblance of control over death), carvings and epitaphs (used to shed light on the deceased whom have been reduced to mere names (when they still exist on weathered tombstones) (e.g. "Here lies the remains of Hannah, the Wife of Solomon Gedney, who dep: this life April 1788 Aged 37 Yrs." and "Stop Reader Eer the Passeth this stone nor regardless be told that near its Bass (sic) lies deposited the remains of Mary Dixon, Wife of John Dixon, a woman whose reputation was spotless and whose life was spent in the practice of virtue having by her unshaken fortitude and native independence of Soul commanded the esteem of all who knew her. She departed this life August 12th 1811 aged 53 years" etched on tombstones in Eleazor Gedney Burial Ground, Mamaroneck, NY) and the values, hopes (e.g. "She is not dead, the child of our affection - But has gone to realms above" etched on a tombstone for Paulina, daughter of Charles and Sarah Ann Gedney who died on May 9, 1856 at 5 Years, 1 Month, and 11 Days also at Eleazor Gedney Burial Ground, Mamaroneck, NY) and beliefs of past eras), both of which arose with a desire to remember the dead, and have changed with the ages as social perceptions and ways of coping have evolved.

For example, the skull and bones that came to depict death for their use on tombstones in 18th century Spanish cemeteries were replaced by cherub heads by the mid 1800s as the concept of death became socially less terrifying and the weeping willow used to portray sorrow and mourning during the 18th century to mid 19th century were supplanted by other plants - especially lilies to shed a more positive light on death while symbolizing the resurrection and afterlife.

Common Victorian-era symbols that have gradually disappeared from use based on changing social tenets and demographics are lamenting and weeping women (since 19th century norms precluded men from showing emotion; consequently memorials utilizing men depicted them in a prominent light), the use of children and cherubs utilized to invoke sadness at the loss of a child, which had been common during those times, and prevalence of urn vessels (since an urn represented the body as a container that held the soul) and sometimes, though to a significantly lesser extent, other images draped with a pall (clothe used to cover a coffin).

Other symbols found in Victorian-era cemeteries are gates (symbol of the gates of Heaven), Celtic crosses (symbol of the four directions on a compass and mind, body, heart, and soul), birds in flight (symbol of the soul borne aloft), mourning doves (symbol of lamentation and even the Holy Spirit), wreathes (symbol of glory), crosses (symbol of the resurrection), and Star of David (symbol of redemption and of the Jewish people).

Angels are still used to "soften the finality of death" and to provide comfort. Some sit at each side of a grave with "heads bowed, as if guarding the bodies of departed souls" to ease the gloom of subterranean tombs.[2]

Generally, today's symbolism no longer views death as an inevitable finality in which our mortality is lamented but rather as a new beginning because of the hope of the afterlife to come. As a result, angels and other allegorical figures often point skyward as a reminder that the deceased lives in Heaven and tombstones often portray biblical figures such as Jesus (the ultimate symbol of resurrection), Mary, Joseph and biblical scenes such as The Last Supper, the Pieta, and Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Other graves are marked by tombstones or ground markers that include sculpted images, etched or embossed photographs, with some high-tech tombstones consisting of even audio (of the deceased speaking) or video (of important moments of a deceased's life) played upon demand.


Consistent with changing cemetery symbolism, mausolea (which date back to 353 BC when Queen Artemisia II built the world's most splendid tomb as a tribute to her late husband, King Mausolus of Caria) have also evolved through the ages from dark, gloomy, forbidden places that held the remains of prominent families and a few members of the public (when space was available) to multi-story edifices built specifically for the public with bright, ambient décor designed to appeal to the living.

Prior to the advent of new mausolea that began in the early 20th century, famous Greeks and Romans built their own mausolea for centuries until the rise of Christianity, in which only saints were permitted to have monuments (typically churches) built at their graves. However, commencing in the 19th century, wealthy Americans revived the practice and even though such 19th and early 20th century mausolea appeared impressive on the outside, they often consisted of dark, narrow, tiny spaces that in the words of Jack Naudi, New mausoleum keep living in mind (Post-Dispatch, November 6, 2003) were "cold and uninviting to the living."

However, with the new generation of mausolea (with built in skylights, stained-glass windows, plush furniture, and cheery brightness) that consist of family crypts, single crypts, niches, and urn cabinets (the latter two for cremated remains), above ground entombment, which has been popular in Europe for centuries and a necessity for New Orleans cemeteries because of their location below sea level, is becoming increasingly popular in the United States and parts of Asia. Thus these new mausolea are adding to the cemetery experience because of their appealing nature and profit margins because of their efficiency of space.


With the redefining of the cemetery concept aimed at maximizing their appeal and services to the living, cemeteries are no longer mere repositories for the dead. Instead they are multipurpose facilities that are connected to the communities they serve, bringing people together beyond the constraints of death while promising an unforgettable, comforting experience to all who absorb their striking scenery, view their rich history and architecture, research genealogy and changing social perceptions through tourism, photography, and passive recreation, and of course remember their beloved dead. At the same time, they are providing serene, tasteful resting places for the deceased that even the living can look forward to when our inevitable day arrives.

20 Notable Cemeteries:

1. Arlington National Park - Arlington, VA, USA
2. Bonaventure Cemetery - Savannah, GA, USA
3. Crown Hill Cemetery - Indianapolis, IN, USA
4. Forest Lawn Cemetery - Los Angeles, CA, USA
5. Green-Wood Cemetery - Brooklyn, NY, USA
6. Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 - New Orleans, LA, USA
7. Lake View Cemetery - Cleveland, OH, USA
8. Laurel Hill Cemetery - Philadelphia, USA
9. Montparnasse Cemetery - Paris, France
10. Monumental Cemetery - Milan, Italy
11. Mount Auburn Cemetery - Cambridge, MA
12. Mount Hope Cemetery - Rochester, NY
13. Novodevichye Cemetery - Moscow, Russia
14. Oakland Cemetery - Atlanta, GA, USA
15. Old Granary Burying Ground - Boston, MA, USA
16. Père Lachaise Cemetery - Paris, France
17. Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery - Los Angeles, CA, USA
18. St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 - New Orleans, LA, USA
19. Steglieno Cemetery - Genoa, Italy
20. Woodlawn Cemetery - Bronx, NY, USA


[1] Paul Lukas. Final Destinations Why Sightseers regard cemetery tours as a worthwhile, ahem, undertaking. CNN 1 May 2000. 31 October 2009.

[2] Ed Snyder. The Afterlife Referenced in Cemetery Symbolism (Part 1). 22 May 2006. 5 November 2009.


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